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Waiting to get home

We haven’t been able to go home.

Our beautiful Barbados looked like a post-apocalyptic scene from a futuristic movie. It is covered in ashes from La Soufriere’s volcanic eruption in St. Vincent. Roughly 16,000 people who live in communities close to the volcano were evacuated under government orders. It continues to explode and the accompanying ash-fall is likely to continue over the next few days (if not weeks) covering not only St Vincent but also Barbados who is on the wind path.

Our flights have been delayed, cancelled, postponed, and we’ve been bouncing from city to city, airport to airport, and hotel to hotel. Ultimately we decided to fly to Chicago and wait here until Grantley Adams was ready to re-open but it will take time… Cleaning the ashes and getting the island ready to receive people again is no easy job. I have faith that we will be able to go home soon.

Our friends and family back home are really the ones going through hard times, not to count the thousands of people that had to leave their homes in SVG. Please say a prayer for them, they need some good energy. The boys have seen photos and understand what’s happening. They still really want to go home and see their dad.

Here is some useful information on organizations helping those affected:

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